Over the weekend we attended my cousin’s wedding. Everything was absolutely beautiful. Everyone looked gorgeous and they even threw a few little fun extras in as surprises. As you may have seen from the pics I was sharing on facebook, my little guy was Ring Security, aka the Ring Bearer 🙂

Photo credit: Daniel Moyer Photography
What a great idea! Besides adding a bit of fun, I think it really helped my little munchkin feel like he had his own special part in the wedding. I think sometimes young kids can just get lost among all the dressed up adults and don’t really understand the importance of the rings. He really loved it and embraced his role! haha!
This is a perfect example of something making a huge impact on your special day without putting hardly a dent in your budget! All that was needed was the metal safe (which doubles as a super cool bank after the special day), a wire earpiece, and a pair of shades….and ta da! You’ll have your very own special agent to provide ring security at your wedding 🙂 Take a look at the great deal I found on his suit too!
Thanks to her big brother being in the wedding, my little girl also got to attend. It was 90 degrees that day so I wanted to make sure that she was comfortable, yet was dressed up enough. I found her dress at Target for only $15! When I saw it I just loved it. Since I paid with my Target debit card I saved an additional 5% making it only $14.25.
The girls at BowBows Boutique made me the fabulous custom navy headband and matching shoe clips to dress it up a bit. I just sent them a photo of the dress and they made it happen! I got the silver sandals at Payless for only $6.39! They were on sale for $8.99 and then I had a 20% coupon that was emailed to me. So if you haven’t already, I definitely suggest signing up for Payless Rewards. She LOVED her fancy outfit and I loved the not so fancy price! 😉
awesome job ring security & mom! 🙂
The ring security did an awesome job!